Шоу - мюзикл " Стриптиз души " in city Minsk

Cost: 35.00 р.. -  50.00 р..

Immersive musical show "Soul strip"


We invite you to plunge into the alluring world of Hollywood.


Immersive theater is one of the most interesting theatrical areas where the viewer becomes a direct participant in the production. As conceived by the immersive show, the action begins right from the lobby of the theater, where each viewer will be involved in the atmosphere of the intriguing world of cinema of the last century. Guests will be able to participate in the filming process of the next movie masterpiece, get acquainted with starlets dreaming of a film career, and hear a lot of gossip about movie stars.


An actor in the role of a film director will invite viewers to take places in the hall, because soon a story will begin under the name “Soul Striptease”.


It is as if star idols will come to us directly from the movie screen and expose before us the stories of their personal life, which usually excites the audience.


It will be a real musical in two acts. Spectators will be able to see the exciting life of bohemia. The action takes place around a famous movie star, who gets involved in film relationships and is fond of a married man. Treason, intrigue, the ubiquitous paparazzi. Such an alluring, vibrant Hollywood!


Organizer: GTZU "Youth Variety Theater"

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The same organizer

Действие разворачивается вокруг одной известной кинодивы Мэрилин Монро, которая на киносъёмках увлекается женатым мужчиной – известным французским шансонье Ивом Монтаном. Измены, интриги, вездесущие папарацци и даже настоящая стрельба из пистолета.